19 февр. 2016 г.

Swift. Основы разработки приложений под iOS

Усов В.А.

Тема: Библиотека программиста
Год: 2016
Страниц: 304
Обложка: Обл Ц
Формат: 60х90/16
Баркод: 9785496022569
ISBN: 978-5-496-02256-9

Swift — быстрый, современный, безопасный и удобный язык программирования — появился совсем недавно и стал огромным сюрпризом для iOS-общественности. И вот, спустя год, Apple выпустила версию 2.0, а следом и 2.1, привнесшую в процесс разработки ряд значительных нововведений.

Данная книга содержит исчерпывающую информацию для всех желающих научиться программировать на замечательном языке Swift и создавать собственные iOS-приложения. Вы найдете не только теоретический материал, но и большое количество практических примеров и заданий, которые позволят постичь все тонкости нового языка. Дерзайте, ведь, изучив Swift, вы сможете создавать приложения для любой платформы — iOS, OS X, tvOS или watchOS.

Source codes from Ray Wenderlich books (except tvOS book)

Core Data by Tutorials

Raywenderlich 2D iOS and tvOS Games by Tutorials

Raywenderlich iOS 9 by Tutorials Learning the new ios 9 apis with swift 2

Raywenderlich iOS Animations by Tutorials v2.0

Raywenderlich Swift Apprentice

Raywenderlich The iOS Apprentice Beginning iOS Development with Swift 2 4th Edition

Raywenderlich WatchOS 2 by Tutorials

18 февр. 2016 г.

Beginning Swift Programming: Kids Edition by Charles Ivan Mozar

Get your children into programming! Beginning Swift Development will help your kid learn the programming language through fictional instruction.

Instructions ( for parents ):
1. Download Xcode
2. Create a new playground
3. Get Him/Her to play with it ( or follow along the book )

Core Data (objc)

Core Data best practices by example: from simple persistency to multithreading and syncing

This book strives to give you clear guidelines for how to get the most out of Core Data while avoiding the pitfalls of this flexible and powerful framework. We start with a simple example app and extend it step by step as we talk about relationships, advanced data types, concurrency, syncing, and many other topics.

Later on, we go well beyond what’s needed for the basic example app. We’ll discuss in depth how Core Data works behind the scenes, how to get great performance, the trade-offs between different Core Data setups, and how to debug and profile your Core Data code.

All code samples in this book are written in Swift. We show how you can leverage Swift’s language features to write elegant and safe Core Data code. We expect that you’re already familiar with Swift and iOS, but both newcomers and experienced Core Data developers will find a trove of applicable information and useful patterns.

7 февр. 2016 г.

SAConfettiView дождь из конфети / rain of confetti

SAConfettiView - позволяет добавить в ваше приложение представление с дождем из конфети, цветных треугольников, звездочек, кристаллов или ваших собственных изображений.

SAConfettiView is the easiest way to add fun, multi-colored confetti to your application and make users feel rewarded. Written in Swift, SAConfettiView is a subclass of UIView and is highly customizable. From various types and colors of confetti to different levels of intensity, you can make the confetti as fancy as you want.

2 февр. 2016 г.

7 янв. 2016 г.

Developing for Apple TV using tvOS and Swift

Book Description:

Gary Bennett, Brad Lees, and Stefan Kaczmarek, the team behind Swift 2 for Absolute Beginners, brings you a hands-on “Swift” introduction to the new tvOS SDK with a collection of app projects to try out.

You’ll learn how to create a BookStore app for the TV, including using Stack Views for book details, how to create a photo gallery app, and how to use collection view and split view controllers with a music collection app. Finally, you’ll also learn how to store Apple TV app data in iCloud.

The new Apple TV is here, and it’s open for your native apps ― Developing for the Apple TV with tvOS and Swift will get you started developing right away.

2 янв. 2016 г.